Welcome, to our Church! Please read on what our pastor has to say! Read news about our community, see how our members are led through life!
1. To extricate Yeshua Hanotzri from the clutches of institutionalised,
creedal Christianity.
2. To present to the world a true representation of the man anointed by
God to rule the world in righteous: the hope of Israel, the hope of
mankind, devoid of all the superfluous paraphernalia attached to him
over the last 17 hundred years by ancient Church Council gobbledegook,
Roman Catholic propaganda and evangelical obscurantism. We prefer the
man chosen "from amongst the people" - Yeshua Hanotzri - emasculated by
Christendom into an illusory literary creation - "Jesus Christ".
3. To break the shackles of religious bondage and set people free from
the manipulation of man-made religion.
When Yeshua Hanotzri was dragged before Pilate he said to Pilate. "....That I should bear witness to the truth and those who are of the truth shall hear my voice".
Pilate replied with words that have echoed down through the ages, "what is truth"? This question is more pertinent than ever today because there are many who would agree that truth matters, but they cannot agree on what is truth. There is a simple and important explanation of this situation, and that is, we live in what has been described as a post-Christian world, where God is supposedly dead, relativism reigns supreme. The concept of intellectual honesty is unknown to those who would offer a different interpretation of modern day spirituality and where Yeshua is understood only by the interpretation determined by ancient councils, creeds of dubious authenticity and ecclesiastic gobbledegook. What needs to be understood by those who reject the dictates of the established creedal churches and lump Yeshua Hanotzri with the creators of their fatuous mire, is that he in no way is representative of their values or that they in some way have omnipotent ownership of him.