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Too many people in the past have rejected Yeshua Hanotzri - generally known as "Jesus Christ" - because they associate him with creedal, doctrinal, structured Christianity.
He would neither approve of nor endorse Christianity as it is now practised. He would totally reject the Christian Churches as having any authority whatsoever to represent anything he stood for and certainly not from God. Yeshua would treat them in the same way he treated the Pharisees - with utter disdain.
It must always be remembered that he was a Sabbath observing member of his community and the only religion he endorsed was the religion of his forebears - Judaism. There is no doubt that he came into conflict with the religious leaders of his day but that does not diminish in any way his Jewishness.
It must always be remembered that he was a Sabbath observing member of his community and the only religion he endorsed was the religion of his forebears.
The "saviour" of the Christians is a third part of God who became man:
Ours is a man who became Godly!
The "saviour" of the Christians was born in a grandiose manner, of a virgin, impregnated by one part of God i.e. (holy spirit) and became a third part of himself:
Ours was conceived born in the normal manner, through normal parents, and in the very humblest manner.
The "saviour" of the Christians is merely a figure created in man's image, a reflection of themselves and their own delusions of grandeur:
Ours was chosen because his qualities and character reflected YHVH's image, not man's.
The "saviour" of the Christians promised 'eternal life' in some other place:
Ours promised a regenerated life on earth.
The Roman and Anglican Catholic churches 'eat' the physical flesh and the blood of their "saviour" to partake in his physical strength:
We eat bread of heaven to partake in the spiritual strenght of one who gave his own physical life so that we may live.
Creedal Christian theology is based on the Hellenist concept of disembodied immortal souls:
Our theology is based on the Hebrew concept that man is indivisible and that both body and soul are mortal.